2024 Emission Inventory
The Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment, Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) uses the Environmental Protection Agency's Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR) to determine which facilities are required to submit Emission Inventory (EI) reports. AERR classifies facilities as either Type A or Type B based on their permitted emission limits. Type A facilities are permitted to emit 2500 tons/year or more of SOx, NOx, or CO or 250 tons/year or more of VOCs, PM10, PM2.5 or NH3. Type A facilities must file an EI every year. Type B facilities are permitted to emit 1000 tons/year or more CO, 100 tons/year or more SOx, NOx, VOCs, PM10, PM2.5, or NH3, or have actual Pb emissions of 0.5 tons/year or more. Type B facilities are required to file an EI every three years, starting with inventory year 2005. Therefore, Type A facilities are required to submit an EI for the 2024 inventory year.
SLEIS, the State and Local Emissions Inventory System, is a web-based emission inventory reporting system that is used to prepare and electronically submit emission inventory reports to DEQ. For the 2024 EI, facilities should use SLEIS to submit their EI reports to DEQ for review. EPA security requirements mandate that responsible officials submit a signed hard copy of the electronic signature agreement to DEQ for identity verification. This is a one-time process and once verification has been completed for a specific responsible official at a particular facility, no further electronic signature agreement submissions are necessary for that responsible official (even in future reporting years). Application forms for user accounts, Electronic Signature Agreement forms, and the Arkansas Point Source Inventory Facility General Information form can all be downloaded from the SLEIS website. Facilities should submit all applicable forms by March 31, 2025. All report changes, data entry, and attachment of the completed Arkansas Source Inventory Facility General Information Form to the 2024 EI SLEIS report must be completed by the official due date of April 30, 2025. Extensions may be granted for special circumstances only if a request is made in writing to the mailing address at the bottom of this letter or EE.emissioninventory@arkansas.gov (Attn: Emissions Inventory Coordinator) prior to the April 30, 2025 due date and approval is granted by DEQ.