Proposed Changes to Regulation 2
APC&E Commission Docket #10-002-R
Regulation 2 - Regulation Establishing Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Arkansas
Rulemaking Documents
- 03/13/2010 - Petition to Initiate Rulemaking to Amend Regulation No. 2
- 03/13/2010 - Compliance with Act 143 of 2007
- 03/13/2010 - Economic Impact/Environmental Benefit Analysis
- 03/13/2010 - Legislative Questionnaire
- 03/13/2010 - Financial Impact Statement
- 03/13/2010 - Proposed Commission Minute Order - Initiate Rulemaking
- 03/13/2010 - DRAFT Regulation 2 Markup
- 04/12/2010 - Petition to Initiate Rulemaking to Amend Regulation No. 2 Amended
- 04/12/2010 - Compliance with Act 143 of 2007 Amended
- 04/12/2010 - Economic Impact/Environmental Benefit Analysis Amended
- 04/12/2010 - Legislative Questionnaire Amended
- 04/12/2010 - Financial Impact Statement Amended
- 04/12/2010 - Proposed Commission Minute Order - Initiate Rulemaking Amended
- 04/12/2010 - DRAFT Regulation 2 Markup Amended
- 04/20/2010 - Letter from Arkansas Municipal League
- 04/21/2010 - DEQ Request to Submit Corrected Pages of Draft Mark-up
- 04/23/2010 - Commission Minute Order - Initiate Rulemaking
- 05/18/2010 - Second Amended Petition to Initiate Rulemaking
- 05/18/2010 - Compliance with the Act 143 of 2007 Second Amended
- 05/18/2010 - Economic Impact and Environmental Benefit Analysis Second Amended
- 05/18/2010 - Legislative Questionnaire Second Amended
- 05/18/2010 - Financial Impact Statement Second Amended
- 05/18/2010 - Proposed Commission Minute Order - Initiate Rulemaking Second Amended
- 05/18/2010 - DRAFT Regulation 2 Markup Second Amended
- 05/25/2010 - DEQ Response to Comments on Economic Impact
- 05/27/2010 - Commission Minute Order - Initiate Rulemaking
- 05/28/2010 - Notice of Public Hearings - Triennial Review
- 06/10/2010 - Minute Order Change Public Hearing Location
- 06/10/2010 - Request to Change Public Hearing Location
- 06/25/2010 - Adoption of Public Hearing Location Change
- 07/19/2011 - Response to Comments
- 07/19/2011 - Response to Comments - Cost/Benefit Analysis
- 07/19/2011 - Response to Comments Exhibit A
- 07/19/2011 - Revised EI EB Analysis
- 07/19/2011 - Revised Financial Impact Statement
- 07/19/2011 - DRAFT Regulation 2 Markup
- 10/14/2011 - Petition to Withdraw
- 10/14/2011 - Proposed Minute Order to Withdraw
- 10/28/2011 - Signed Minute Order to Withdraw Rulemaking