Proposed Changes to Regulation 6
APC&E Commission Docket #10-003-R
Regulation 6 - Regulations for State Administration of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Rulemaking Documents
- 03/15/2010 - Petition to Initiate Rulemaking to Amend Regulation No.6
- 03/15/2010 - DRAFT Regulation 6 Markup
- 03/15/2010 - Economic Impact Statement
- 03/15/2010 - Economic Impact/Environmental Benefit Analysis
- 03/15/2010 - Legislative Questionnaire
- 03/15/2010 - Financial Impact Statement
- 03/15/2010 - PROPOSED Commission Minute Order - Initiate Rulemaking
- 04/23/2010 - Notice of Public Hearings on Proposed Changes
- 06/10/2011 - Petition to Withdraw Exhibit A
- 06/10/2011 - Petition to Withdraw
- 06/10/2011 - Minute Order Withdraw - Corrected
- 06/24/2011 - Petition to Withdraw Rulemaking- Signed