Proposed Changes to Regulation 18
APC&E Commission Docket #11-001-R
Regulation 18 - Arkansas Air Pollution Control Code
Rulemaking Documents
- 01/14/2011 - Petition to Initiate Rulemaking to Amend Regulation No.18
- 01/14/2011 - DRAFT Regulation 18 Markup
- 01/14/2011 - Financial Impact Statement
- 01/14/2011 - Economic Impact
- 01/14/2011 - Legislative Questionnaire
- 01/14/2011 - Proposed Commission Minute Order - Initiate Rulemaking
- 01/14/2011 - Statement of Basis & Purpose
- 01/14/2011 - AEDC Memo
- 01/28/2011 - Signed Minute Order to Initiate Rulemaking
- 01/28/2011 - Notice of Public Hearing
- 05/09/2012 - Minute Order Withdraw
- 05/09/2012 - Petition to Withdraw Rulemaking to Amend
- 05/24/2012 - Petition to Withdraw Rulemaking