List of Acceptable Systems

Company Name System Name Design Flow (gpd)
Orenco Systems, Inc. AdvanTex AX15-2N / AX15-3N with disinfection and re-aeration 800, 1200
Orenco Systems, Inc. AdvanTex AX20 (such as AX20N, AX20-2N, AX20-3N, AX20RTN, AX20RTN 2 pod, or AX20RTN 3 pod with disfinection and reaeration) 500, 600, 1200, 1500
Orenco Systems, Inc. AdvanTex AX25RTN or AX25RTN 2 pod with disinfection and re-aeration 750, 1500
Ecological Tank, Inc. AquaSafe 500 500
Norweco, Inc. Norweco (Singulair) 960 500, 1000
Norweco, Inc. Norweco (Singulair) TNT-500 500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc.
  • 500 (500N, 500NC, 500NC2, 500NC3, 500NCS, 500NS, and 500NU)
  • 600 Series (600N, 600NC, 600NC2, 600NC3, and 600NU)
  • 750 Series (750N, 750NC, and 750NC2)
  • 800 Series (750N, 750NC, and 750NC2)
  • 1000 Series (1000N, 1000N-B, 1000NC, 1000NC B, 1000NCD, 1000ND, and 1000NSD)
  • 1200 Series (1200NCD and 1200ND)
  • 1500 Series (1500N, 1500N-B, 1500NC, 1500NC-B, 1500NCD, and 1500ND)

All of the included systems in the list must include either a Clearstream Model 1100 Spin Filter or a post aeration tank. Systems without built-in disinfection must include a supplementary disinfection unit.

500, 600, 750, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. MultiFlo FTB-0.5 500
EnviroGuard ENV-0.75 750
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Nyadic M6-A 500
Bio-Microbics, Inc. MicroFast ® 0.5/With UV Disinfection and Post Aeration 500
Bio-Microbics, Inc. MicroFAST 0.625, 0.75, 0.9, and 1.5 with Disinfection and Re-aeration 625, 750, 900, and 1500
Bio-Microbics, Inc. BioBarrier 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 with Disinfection and Re-aeration 500, 1000, and 1500
Jet, Inc. Jet J-Series units J-500, J-500PLT, J-600, J-750, J-750PLT, J-800, J-800PLT, J-1000, J-1250, and J-1500; with disinfection and re-aeration 500, 600, 750, 800, 1000, 1250, 1500
Aero-Tech AT-500 Treatment System with UV Disinfection 500
Fuji Clean USA, LLC CE5, CE7, CE10, CEN5, CEN7, and CEN10 with UV disinfection and re-aeration 450, 630, and 900
Fuji Clean USA, LLC CE14 and CEN14 with UV disinfection and re-aeration 1350
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC E50-N, E60-N, E75-N, E100-N, and E150-N (All with disinfection and re-aeration) 500, 600, 750, 1000, and 1500

These are the systems that the Department has received and reviewed the NSF International data and engineering calculations for. Based on these two items and the Department’s evaluation of the system, these systems have been deemed acceptable for the Individual Treatment Systems General Permit, ARG550000. As additional systems are submitted to the Department, they will be reviewed and the above table will be updated accordingly.